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by Shazamme System User 26 Jul, 2024
In today's digital age, LinkedIn has become an essential tool for professionals in every industry, including procurement and supply chain. A well-crafted LinkedIn profile not only acts as your online resume but also serves as your personal brand, making you visible to recruiters, hiring managers, and industry peers. Here’s how you can create a standout LinkedIn profile to boost your job search and online professional presence. 1. Professional Headline Your headline is the first thing people see, so make it count. Instead of a generic title like "Procurement Professional," be specific about your role and expertise. For example, "Senior Procurement Manager | Expert in Strategic Sourcing & Supplier Relationship Management." Incorporate industry-specific keywords to enhance your visibility in search results. 2. Compelling Summary Your summary is your elevator pitch. Use this space to tell your professional story, highlighting key achievements and career goals. Start with a strong opening to grab attention and aim for 3-5 short paragraphs. Mention your core competencies and significant accomplishments, such as leading a procurement transformation project or achieving substantial cost savings. 3. Detailed Experience In the experience section, detail your roles and responsibilities using bullet points for easy readability. Quantify your achievements whenever possible. For instance, "Reduced procurement costs by 15% through strategic supplier negotiations." Focus on roles that are most relevant to the job you are seeking, and ensure your descriptions are clear and concise. 4. Highlight Relevant Skills List skills that are pertinent to procurement and supply chain roles, such as "Strategic Sourcing," "Contract Management," and "Supplier Relationship Management." Regularly update your skills to reflect new competencies and certifications. Request endorsements from colleagues and industry contacts to bolster your credibility. Often, endorsing others leads to reciprocal endorsements. 5. Network Strategically LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool. Personalise your connection requests to explain why you want to connect. Join industry-specific groups and participate actively to engage with other professionals. Attend virtual and in person events and webinars to expand your network further. 6. Engage with Content Showcase your expertise by sharing industry news, writing posts, and commenting on others content. However, be strategic with your interactions - don't comment or write posts just for the sake of it. If you don't have anything meaningful to say, it's better to move on. Regularly share articles, updates, and insights relevant to procurement and supply chain to demonstrate your engagement with the industry. Creating original content about your experiences and industry trends can also help establish you as a thought leader. 7. Don’t forget to One detail that can easily be overlooked is the consistency of your employment dates. It's crucial to ensure that the dates of employment listed in your LinkedIn experience section match those on your resume. Discrepancies between your resume and LinkedIn profile can raise unnecessary questions, so take a moment to double-check this information. Also, first impressions matter, especially on a professional platform like LinkedIn. One of the simplest yet most impactful changes you can make is to add a professional photo to your profile. An anonymous or faceless profile can deter connections and potential employers. Your photo is often the first thing people notice, so make sure it represents you well in a professional context. Conclusion A strong LinkedIn profile is essential in the competitive procurement and supply chain job market. By optimizing your headline, crafting a compelling summary, detailing your experience, highlighting relevant skills, networking strategically, and engaging with content, you can enhance your professional visibility and attract opportunities. Ensure your employment dates match your resume for consistency and include a professional photo to make a strong first impression.
by Shazamme System User 05 Jul, 2024
Losing your job can indeed feel like a huge setback, but taking proactive and positive steps can help you get back on your feet. Here are seven practical steps to help you navigate this challenging time and emerge stronger: 1. Embrace Your Emotions Losing a job is tough, and it’s natural to feel upset, anxious, or even angry. It’s important to acknowledge and process these emotions. Don’t suppress them, but be mindful not to react impulsively or burn bridges. Reach out to a mentor, friends or family to talk things through. Your support network is there to help you, and you don’t have to go through this alone. 2. Expand your chances of finding a new role. Now’s the time to get proactive. The more visible and engaged you are, the higher your chances of finding new opportunities. Here’s how to get started: - Meet people: reconnect with past colleagues - Direct outreach: Don’t hesitate to send messages to companies you are interested in. - Share your ideas on LinkedIn 3. Refresh your LinkedIn profile. If you’ve been out of the job market for a while, now is the time to give your LinkedIn profile a thorough update. This platform acts as your digital resume and networking tool, don’t underestimate it. You might also like to share some ideas – or write a post that you are a job seeker. Don’t be afraid. It is your network. Leverage it. 4. Increase your visibility Being seen and heard in your industry can open up new opportunities. Engage with your professional community by attending industry events, virtual seminars, and online forums to connect with professionals in your field. If anything, you will learn interesting topical stuff to discuss in interviews! 5. Look after yourself. Job hunting can be exhausting, both mentally and physically. It’s crucial to take care of yourself during this period. Allocate dedicated time each day for job searching, but also set aside time for relaxation and activities you enjoy. 6. Get professional help. Engaging with recruiters can be highly beneficial, they know the market. Their expertise can guide you towards suitable roles and provide you with valuable insights and strategies tailored to your situation. 7. Celebrate small wins. Every step forward is a victory. Whether it is: - Securing an interview - Receiving positive feedback - Expanding your network Recognising these victories can keep you motivated and build your confidence. Final Thoughts Remember, this challenging period is just temporary. By staying positive, proactive, and connected, you can turn this setback into a stepping stone towards new opportunities.
by Dee Clarke 05 Jul, 2024
Here are a few key resume-writing tips to help you organise and design your resume.
by Dee Clarke 03 Jun, 2024
Did you know that 70% of jobs are hired through networking and using your own contacts? That these jobs are often never advertised because they are filled before the need to advertise?
by Dee Clarke 02 Jun, 2024
Generational stereotypes are frequently unfair and unkind. From traditionalists to young professionals, there is much to learn from each other.
by Dee Clarke 02 Jun, 2024
Find me candidates who have more than the standard resume with dot points listing their previous jobs. Find me someone who is preparing for future world of work in procurement.”
by Dee Clarke 02 Jun, 2024
Skills can be learned, but attitude is something you’re born with. But when it comes to creating your rockstar procurement team, should one really be prioritised over the other?
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